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May 06, 2010


Skip hire prices

Green building is very expenive, although important for the future.onstruction waste is a massive problem. Recycling construction waste is becoming much more difficult with new recycling laws coming into place. But this article has hit a few points to think about.


Thanks "Skip" for your comment. I don't agree with your generalization that "green building is very expensive." Compared to what? Including what? The range of options is quite significant. And whether it is dark green or "light" green cost doesn't seem to correlate. But good luck on your waste management business. It's fun to hear that we have readers in the UK!

Building Materials

Hi Kathleen! I think skip is talking about some of the higher end products such as rain collection tanks etc that we sell in the UK. Sadly the UK doesn't see the benefits of green building yet and so gives little incentive to go down that road. I have been selling recycled aggregates for years and they are so much cheaper than primary aggregates. Not every architect wants to use recycled materials I know,but I have seen an increase in popularity over the past three to four years mainly in sub base materials, but there are a few recycled glass and paper products coming onto the market. What we could do with is more people like you Kathleen to enlighten our architects and contractors.

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