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August 24, 2010


Mike Nelson

If the PV system is a Silicon Energy made in WA product it should be eligible for 54 cents per KWH produced annually for the next 10 years. In Western WA it should produce about 1400 kwh per year. so it should earn about 750 dollar a year and is eligible for for a 30 percent upfront federal tax credit. A made in Washington Solar electric generation project is one of the best revenue generators that can be included in a new home.

Alistair Jackson

Thanks for this observation, Mike. You are absolutely right about the production incentive the house will collect for its Silicon Energy PV system. But wouldn't it make more sense to use incentive dollars to reward builders for measures that reduce loads and conserve energy BEFORE they start adding renewable generation capacity. In this case, the builder built a low-load house because he knew it was the right thing to do. Not all builders are so conscious of the priorities.

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