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February 08, 2011



Kathleen, this is fantastic news. It seems like the major changes aren't about content but about communication and clarity. I see this as key as I get many questions (and am at times confused myself) at the ID vs IPD distinction.

We are also working with the GSA to integrate the Green Firm Certification into RFP's. Similar to LEED, Certification recognizes other initiatives such as LEED, IP version 2.0, EnergyStar, etc but rather than evaluating a project it evaluates the firm's capability to deliver sustainability services. This seems right up your alley, so I encourage you to at least watch a short video about Certification here: http://bit.ly/CertificationVideo.




To readers, please note that a glitch in the electronic ether indicated that we were providing a direct link to the draft update of the ANSI IP Standard. We have remedied that. The ballot version is ONLY available to ANSI members. If you ARE an ANSI member and have questions about the draft or access to the draft, please direct your questions to ANSI directly.


CORRECTION: The ballot is available to non-ANSI Members. One vote per company, as well as individuals may vote. Please find the ballot at: http://mts.sustainableproducts.com/IP. Also, please submit your completed ballot (scan and email) to Mike Italiano at [email protected].

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