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March 01, 2011



well done impressive to achieve this on a building thats already underway. Tough enough from the onset

Robert Haverlock - CSBA

I commend you on a direction I wish others would take, Social responsibility! Great job!

I never like to assume, but what about other aspects, such as blower door testing and commissioning...was this also part of the plan?

Thanks for a great article.

Elly Bunzendahl

Hi Robert,
Thanks for commenting on the blog.
Yes – performance testing is integral to LEED for Homes – as is a lot of onsite verification by a qualified LEED for Homes Green Rater (O’Brien & Company was the LEED for Homes Provider and Green Rater for this project). For Kenyon, verification included air sealing inspections (pre-drywall), a preliminary blower door test during rough-in to troubleshoot any potential problem areas, a pre-drywall (insulation) inspection, as well as final inspections and final blower door testing. Luckily the heating system is hydronic, so duct leakage testing and supply/return test and balance tasks were not needed. The exhaust fans (all ENERGY STAR that supply continuous exhaust-only ventilation coupled with trickle vents) were tested upon installation, but we can't recall whether they were third party verified or not. The main boiler and elevator equipment were likely commissioned by a third-party commissioning agent, but this equipment is outside of our normal scope. Hope your questions are answered.

Glad you are benefiting from the blog.
All the best,

built on your lot homes

Seems like that you've placed a lot of effort and hard work into your article and I require a lot more of these on the internet in recent times. I sincerely got a kick out of your post. I don't genuinely have much to speak about responding, I only wanted to comment to reply great work.

kathleen o'brien

Thanks for the kudos. Hopefully we are sticking to our mission to use the blog as a way to build capacity rather than just "blogulate" Have a good day!

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